Graham Hancock in Season 2, Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas

Netflix’s “Ancient Apocalypse” series: A Red Pill for Ancient Civilization History Buffs

This year Netflix will present the second season of the wildly popular Ancient Apocalypse series, featuring the work of British author and researcher, Graham Hancock. I am very excited about this year’s season as it will be exploring evidence of lost civilizations in the Americas, and from what I can see from the trailer, Sacsayhuaman, […]

Netflix’s “Ancient Apocalypse” series: A Red Pill for Ancient Civilization History Buffs Read More »

Kuelap serpants

Hanan Pacha formations found under Kuélap and other archaeology sites in northern Peru

On a recent trip up to the northern region of Peru I visited the spectacular ruins of Kuélap in the mountainous Chachapoyas region. Known as the home of the “Cloud Warriors” or the Chachapoyan civilization, this beautiful site is located approximately about 450km from the pacific coast, and sits 3,000 meters above sea level at

Hanan Pacha formations found under Kuélap and other archaeology sites in northern Peru Read More »

Hanan Pacha Sites

What are Hanan Pacha sites and what were their possible uses?

Most of the time when we think of archaeology in Peru, we think of the amazing colossal polygonal megalithic walls found at Sacsayhuaman or the trapezoidal doorways and tall Inca fortifications found at the fog-shrouded (and megalithic) ruins of Machu Picchu, but most of us don’t think of the polymorphous rock formations usually found around

What are Hanan Pacha sites and what were their possible uses? Read More »